Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Obama’s Effects are STILL being felt here…

Brought to you by: Electric Saver 1200 President Obama proposed a national energy-saving plan years ago but the effects are still being felt in the energy sector. By compelling utilities to harness other diverse energy sources, including the solar and wind power, hydroelectric, nuclear and the like, it could have a contradictory effect. This has led to an increase in our electricity rates NOT a decrease or improvement as we wouldv'e hoped. High Electricity Fortunately, these diverse energy sources do not give off emission of greenhouse gases, and pollute the world. There is that chance that by motivating people with incentives to cut their electricity consumption, that costs/usage can decrease too. The Obama administration created a unique energy initiative that focused on clean energy values that, by the year 2035, would assure the country of an 80% dependence on other clean and renewable sources of energy. Some of these methods would mean harnessing the power from the sun and the wind, besides using natural gas, nuclear power plants and even using the coal plants by fortifying the means of trapping and storing the emissions of carbon dioxide, by some innovative method. Interestingly, these clean sources now supply up to 40% of the US energy requirements. nuclear plant leaked Many experts strongly feel that the cap-and-trade system brought along with this initiative is more acceptable because they see more leeway for decreasing their emissions and thereby allowing them to opt for cost-effective methods to reach their goal. Some experts opine that, in this clean-energy scheme, it is possible to design new criteria to meet the flexibility standards of a cap-and-trade system. The Obama's administration listed the guiding principles about environment and energy. It talks about new clean energy creation, employment and technologies, leading to better independent energy-efficiency in the US, and making the world a far safer place to live in, with far lesser carbon emissions. Recycling a way to protect our planet The White House website, on the 40th anniversary of the Earth Day, mentioned the proposals that the management had undertaken:

  • A SGIG (Smart Grid Investment Grant) of $3.4 billion, announced (as a part of the ARR Act of 2009 (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act), focused on 49 states and planned to cut power usage by 4% before the year 2030.
  • Latest efficiency rules for home equipment.
  • The ARPA-E or Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy plan under the Energy and the Defense Departments formed the DARPA or Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
  • A recent National Fuel Efficiency plan, relevant to 2012-2016 car models, will oblige carmakers, to make fuel efficiency of 35.5 mpg, a reality.
  • A new "Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule," initiated by the Environmental Protection Agency, now makes it mandatory for major emitters of carbon dioxide in the US, to report the quantum of their emissions.
  • A new statement on ways to help the federal government advocate a "home energy efficiency" retrofit industry “that is self-sustaining."
  • A three-pronged plan ensured the increased production of bio-fuels: a standard for restorable fuels, a program for biomass crop-support, and bio-fuels working team. President Obama initiated an inter-agency job force to help introduce a federal plan to capture and store carbon.
The American recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 was the cornerstone of most of Obama's administrative initiatives, which allocated the bulk funding for purposes of clean energy. The Obama administration stated on their website that they claimed over $80 billion received towards clear energy investments. Whether you loved Obama or hated him, it goes without saying that he changed the energy sector and his initiatives are still being felt all across the nation. Do you think his initiatives helped our country or hurt it? And now that Donald Trump is president, what changes do you expect to come in the USA Energy sector in the near future? We hope you enjoyed our post. Be sure to sign up for your free energy saving gift just for visiting our site.  For even more Energy Saving Ideas, be sure to visit this post,  and Follow Our Blog! Source

This Post Obama’s Effects are STILL being felt here… originally posted on Electric-Saver-1200-BLOG

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