Wednesday, July 19, 2017

19 Easy Energy Efficiency Tips for Your Home… I love #16

The Average Electricity Bill is around $200-300 for the average 1500 SF home in the USA. But really the cost of power bills vary greatly depending on the rate at which you are bills per kwh. If you are having trouble paying for your electricity bill, read below & start finding energy efficient solutions. If you use less electricity, you will lower your energy costs, improve your quality of life, but also save the earth’s resources. Don’t wait for something extreme to happen, start making energy efficient decisions right now throughout your home. If you are needing help understanding your electricity bills, read: Below are 19 quick tips regarding saving electricity at home:

  • Turn off lights when you leave a room.
  • Wash your clothes in cold water unless they're really stained or you are washing just whites.
  • Turn off the "heated dry" feature on your dish washer.
  • Adjust your water heater temperature to 120 degrees or lower.
  • Use low-flow shower heads and sink faucets.
  • Clean your clothes dryer vents to improve efficiency, and reduce fire danger.
  • A programmable home heating/cooling thermostat can help lower energy.
  • Try not to leave the door of your refrigerator open longer than necessary.
  • Always use energy saving light bulbs. These energy saving lights or light bulbs use about one-fourth the energy of incandescent lights of the same light output rating.
  • Look for the "energy saving" logo or notes whenever you buy your new appliances, and buy the highest-rated units. Buy Energy Star Appliances
ways to save electricity by being energy efficient
  • High efficiency water heaters can save money, as can extra insulation. This insulating material surrounds the heater, keeping heat in the heater. This keeps your water hotter for longer, so you do not waste energy re-heating water. Use insulation on the hot-water piping in your home, if you can get at the pipes (like in the basement or garage).
  • Try using all the warm water you plan on using immediately. Try to get all family members to shower one after the other, while the pipes are still warm.
  • Insulation can provide low-cost energy and dollar savings that accumulate year after year, with no further investment required.
  • Use energy efficient insulated windows.
  • Home insulation should be evaluated by a qualified contractor, especially in older homes. Proper insulation in the attic is usually easy to install, and can save it's cost in the first winter or summer. Insulation within outside walls is important, but it's more expensive to install in existing buildings.
Insulating Walls
  • A home energy audit can help you find ways to save money, even if it involves the purchase of alternative sources of energy.
  • Consider Solar Panels to supplement your electricity needs. Some areas even allow you to sell unused electricity back into the grid. Solar power kits sell from a few hundred dollars, and can help on sunny days.
  • Consider Geothermal heating and cooling. Throughout most of North America, the temperatures just 15 feet below the surface remain close to 55 degrees in both summer and winter. Pipes filled with water are placed in trenches and water is pumped through them to maintain a 55 degree temperature in your heat exchanger box. In the summer, air at 55 degrees is heated, and in the winter, air at 55 degrees is fed into to the air conditioning unit.
  • Making Your Home Energy Efficient should also include a visit to, where you can learn how to make your home as energy efficient as possible using the Electric Saver 1200 device.Electric Saver 1200
Start Saving Money on your Electricity Bill in a matter of days! We hope you enjoyed our blog post! Be sure to claim your free energy gift and even more tips by signing up now. Thanks for visiting, we love having you here! Please share our posts with all your friends and family too :)

This Blog Source 19 Easy Energy Efficiency Tips for Your Home… I love #16 originated from

Monday, July 17, 2017

5 Minutes to Lower Electric Bills…

If you are one of those households whose electric bill is skyrocketing then you should know these quick steps on how to save 25% on your electric bill in 5 minutes. After reading this article in 5 minutes or less, and as soon as you implement or execute what’s written below, you will be able to lower electric bills. Step 1 – Know what appliances, devices or motors contribute a lot to your electric bill. Knowledge is power and as soon as you gain knowledge of what contributes to your bill, you will know how to deal with it. has reported 40-60% of your bill is from Heating/Cooling Costs (aka your Central A/C or Heat Pump) 4 ways to save electricity Step 2 – Get the Electric Saver 1200 installed on your heatpump, central a/c, or your main electric panel. Although traditional ways of saving electricity are still effective, it cannot be denied that indulging in the technology and latest gadgets available will help in lessening your electric bill.

Step 3 – Learn the features and benefits of this electrical saving devices to be aware of how it can help you and when it will take effect. Step 4 – Watch your power bill and compare last year's usage to this years usage after the unit has been installed for at least 1 billing period. Step 5 – Count your energy savings and put it in an account for you to spend on yourself or your family at the end of the year. You may be surprised how quickly the savings adds up. light bulb cost per kwh Take these important steps to saving up to 25% of your electric bill right away. Start Saving Money & Energy now, Click Here Start Saving Now Want even more energy saving ideas, visit: Be sure to signup & claim your free energy saving gift before you leave! Thanks for visiting our Blog & Reading.  We loved having you here! Post 1st seen here Save Save Save Save Save Save Save

The post 5 Minutes to Lower Electric Bills… 1st Seen Here

Friday, July 14, 2017

2 Simple Ways for A Clean & Energy Efficient Home! #2 May Surprise You…

With ever changing electricity bills, balancing your monthly budget can be a challenging task... if you have kids AND a sky high suprise (aka your electric bill this month) it can be rather terrifying.  But have NO FEAR, because we have some ideas  that can help you save energy (and money) EVERY month.  Need even more ideas, visit: While it’s usually easy to blame your provider for hiking up rates, your bill is actually much more likely to be high because of your usage. To help you start saving money, we’ve identified a few of the culprits behind high household power usage and reminders for how to lower your rate of use.

1. Letting Vampire Appliances Bleed You Dry

One of the main reasons your electric bill may be high is that you leave your appliances or electronics plugged in whether you’re using them or not. While that might not have been such a problem years ago, most modern appliances and gadgets draw electricity when turned off. This is mostly because much of modern technology never really powers down. When you press the "Power" button on your DVR, computer, or television, it actually transition to a standby mode so it can be turned back on faster, either for continued use or to carry out a scheduled task like recording a TV show or brewing a pot of coffee. energy consuming devicesThe problem is, these devices are sitting idle, sucking electricity out of your home while waiting for a command from you or waiting for a scheduled task to run. Anything with a clock, such as microwave ovens and coffee makers — and even older technologies, like VCRs — need power to keep time while turned off.


You can start saving energy by connecting devices to power strips and turning off the power strips when you’re not using them. That way, off will really means off as you’ve effectively disconnected the device from the power source. Check out how these devices rank in terms of energy usage.

ways to save electricity by being energy efficient

2. Device-Charging Frenzy

Look around your home at all the technology that uses chargers: cell phones, MP3 players, iPads and tablet PCs, electric razors, electric toothbrushes, laptops, portable game systems and a whole slew of similar devices. The more tech- and gadget-oriented you are, the more likely you are to have these devices plugged in and sucking energy from your home — and the more likely you are to pay an expensive electric bill because of them.5 reason 2 Solution: Unplug AC adapters and chargers from sockets when not actively charging a device, as they’ll pull electricity simply from being plugged in. Also, make sure to only charge your devices when they need it. Unnecessary charging not only costs money, it can shorten your gadget’s battery life. So, the next time your electric bill sends you into a wave of budgetary panic, consider the source before calling out your energy provider. Chances are, you have a thing or two to change about your household energy consumption. Energy Efficiency in any Weather We hope you enjoyed our post! For even more energy saving ideas, visit our site Electric Saver 1200 and don't forget to claim your free gift & follow our blog :) All the Best in Energy Saving!   Sources: Save Save Save Save

This blog post 2 Simple Ways for A Clean & Energy Efficient Home! #2 May Surprise You… originally published on Electric-Saver-BLOG

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

5 Surprising Ways To Conserve Electricity At Home

Are You Looking for Ways To Conserve Electricity but don't know where to start?  Well this post can help you save on energy costs as well as be more environmentally friendly.  So which appliances in your home use the most electricity and how can you make them more energy efficient without breaking the bank? For More Free Ways to Save, go to: what uses the most energy- energy saving tips

Energy Saving with Appliances

services_applianceAccording to, Big appliances, like dishwashers, clothes washers and clothes dryers have insatiable appetites for electricity and using them too often can drive your electricity bill way up. In fact, the average American family does almost 400 loads of laundry a year and uses almost 40 gallons of water for a full load. However, many of those "loads" may not actually be using the appliance to it’s fullest capacity. Solution:
  • For your dishwasher, make sure that you fill it to capacity before you run it.  Choose an appropriate wash cycle and change the drying setting to use no or low heat.
  • For clothes washers and dryers, ALWAYS wash with a full load.  Try having only one laundry day each week, fill your loads to capacity and select low heat for drying.

Using Lighting More Intelligently

Lighting- Energy Saving IdeaWhen it comes to lighting, many people make the mistake of using lights to affect the brightness of an entire room, which can contribute to high electric bills. However, lighting is efficient only when used directly to provide light to specific areas of a room, such as couches, chairs, kitchen tables and workspaces. Full room ceiling lights are much less effective than individual lamps for providing the light you need. You’ll also pay more on your electric bill if you keep lights on when nobody’s using them.


  • Use lighting only for specific areas that are occupied and make sure to turn off lights when those areas are no longer in use. Change out inefficient incandescent light bulbs for energy-efficient CFL or LED bulbs to save money when the lights are on.

Using Ceiling Fans ONLY when needed

ceiling fans-energy efficientCeiling fans only affect the temperature of the room in which they’re installed, so it doesn’t make sense to leave a ceiling fan on if nobody’s in the room. Additionally, ceiling fans have a toggle switch that allows the blades to switch direction for optimal efficiency based on the season. Solution:
  • Turn your ceiling fans off when nobody’s in the room and be sure to set the toggle switch so that the blades run counter-clockwise during the summer and clockwise during the winter to circulate air more efficiently.


Using Appliances Past Their Prime

Using old appliances is probably one of the bigger reasons why you’re paying more on your electric bill. The fact is old appliances simply use more energy than new energy-efficient models. That old-fashioned refrigerator or oven might be cute and trendy in your retro kitchen, but they also drive your electric bill through the roof. Even your dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer that were built in the 1990s are sucking you dry, as Energy Star didn’t begin rating those appliances until after 1997. Solution:
  • This one’s easy. Upgrade your appliances with new energy-efficient models. A new energy-efficient refrigerator, for example, uses about four times less electricity than an older model. You can even get a new model with a retro design to keep your kitchen trendy.  Can't afford new appliances? Install an Electric Saver 1200 on your home to make all your motor driven appliances more energy efficient.
We hope you enjoyed our post. Be sure to sign up for your free energy saving gift just for visiting our site.  For even more Energy Saving Ideas, be sure to visit our website,  and Follow Our Blog! Save

The post 5 Surprising Ways To Conserve Electricity At Home originated from Electric-Saver-BLOG

Monday, July 10, 2017

What do you need 714 pounds of every year? Read This!

light bulb cost per kwhHow Much Does Electricity Cost? Ever wonder how much electricity it takes to keep a single light bulb running for the year? To get the full briefing on how to calculate electricity visit:  It takes 714 pounds of coal to power a single light bulb for a year.

Average KWH Cost

How much does it cost the American consumer to run a single light bulb year round? It varies, depending on where you live, but it's not more than a few bucks. And yet, potentially, 700 pounds of coal -- which must be mined, transported, and burned, and which generate hazardous byproducts that US tax dollars go towards clean up -- went into bringing you that power.

What is a Kilowatt Hour?

A kilowatt hour is a unit of measurement based on how many watts you used in a timeframe.  But if you are looking to figure out how much your electricity bill is going to be? There are other factors that your power company adds to the mix.  This includes charging you "extra" because everyone wants energy during the same timeframe also known as "demand charges".  You can forego these extra charges by contacting your power provider and finding out what times are peak times and then plan your usage outside that timeframe... or severely limit it as much as possible.  

Tiered Energy Pricing

And just for fun, some power companies like to bill you in tiered pricing plans (similar to cell phone usage).  Don't go over your limit or you will pay dearly when your bill comes in.  This is very common practice in California as if the prices weren't high enough already!   Go Green this Earth Day 2015! So what is the answer?  Right now, until more options are available for energy, make your home or business as energy efficient as possible by following all our energy saving tips in this blog ;-)   But more importantly find ways to use more renewable/sustainable energy sources.  Nature combined with new developments have the ability to help us create sustainable energy.  If all of us take action, and demanded these sources from our power providers, we can make a difference! Just think of how many jobs would be available & how that would help our economy and the American people if the power companies had to do away with their old grids and build fresh sustainable energy grids. sustainable-energy Follow Our Blog & Be sure to Share our Posts! We know your friends & family will thank you.  Thank you for stopping by, we loved having you here.  Be Sure to Claim your free gift! For More Info About the Products We Manufacture, Visit Our Site: Electric Saver 1200  Thanks for Reading. Save

The blog post What do you need 714 pounds of every year? Read This! came from Electric-Saver-BLOG

Friday, July 7, 2017

You Won’t Believe How Your Power Company Is Billing You!

You Won't Believe How Some Power Companies calculate your energy bills.  Most just pay it and don't bother to look at the details.  But,  how are they calculating the energy used and more importantly, how can you reduce that amount?  I know I am not the ONLY person who has ever asked this question, so I decided to write in detail about it.  For more info about better understanding electricity bills, visit:  

KWH, Demand Charges, Peak Hours, Tiered Pricing based on WHO knows what?!?


All these extra complications make figuring out how much your monthly utility bill will be much more well... complicated.  If you are living on planet Earth and have a power bill, it is no surprise how electricity bills just keep getting higher and higher.  Despite power companies adopting more green technology, rates keep climbing as you can see below and that stopped at 2005.  I know in Florida, we are paying roughly 12 cents and in California, New York & Canada the rates are MUCH higher. electricity prices 1973-2005 understanding power bills kwhElectric Companies calculate energy based on your usage.  But let's dive a little deeper... the "WHEN" is just as important as "how much".  Watts is a measurement that is used to find out how much each electrical device in your home uses.  Kilo is based on 1000 of those watts.  An hour is a measurement of time.  So if a light bulb uses 100 watts per hour, it would take 10 hours of light to equal 1 Kilowatt hour ( 100 watts x10 hours= 1000watts or 1 kilowatt/hour). Then you have to take into account, "WHEN" these appliance use the energy throughout the day (remember those lovely peak hours & demand charges?).  And then, figure out your usage based on each tier of structured pricing your utility provider bills you at.  It's enough to make your head spinny! But instead of doing a bunch of math for EVERYTHING in your home, you can look at the graph below and see what impacts your power bill the most.  By doing this, you can focus on making those things more energy efficient AND of course save you the most money. hot water-energy saving tips With Heating & Cooling being the biggest cost, it's best to focus on that first.  Read my other post about hot water here.

How To Lower Energy Costs with HEATING & COOLING

heating energy loss1) Whether it's hot or cold, this tip is definitely worth mentioning.  Before a coarse winter or hot sizzling summer, get your heating & cooling systems checked and cleaned to be sure they are operating at their best.  It is no joke to be without heat or A/C when weather is at its worst. 2) Be sure that any cracks/leaks/gaps are sealed to prevent air from escaping your home and jacking up your energy bill. 3) Also, check your air filters and keep those cleaned on a monthly routine to prevent needless repairs on your HVAC system. 4) Install 1 of our Electric Saver 1200 products to your HVAC system & make your home more energy efficient.   Like this Post? Follow Our Blog!  We love having you here!  Be sure to  get your free gift just for stopping by. Share this to Help Your Friends Out too!  I'm sure you aren't the only person in the world who wants lower bills. And Sharing is Caring ;-) Save Save Save Save

This post You Won’t Believe How Your Power Company Is Billing You! 1st Seen on My Blog Here ElectricSaver1200- Energy Tips