Friday, November 1, 2019

Does PFC REALLY Matter?

I have a confession to make... Becoming more energy efficient and reducing PF penalties is all BS. I've spent years totally BS'ing you and hustling you about energy efficiency. It doesn't matter, you should just give all your money to your power company...say WHAT?!? HAHA! Just Kidding! Of course Energy Efficiency matters... as long as you want every dollar you earn to be used on something that actually benefits you, it is IMPORTANT! Do you ever wonder why power bills keep climbing higher, yet nothing has changed in your home year in, year out? Finding out the cause is the first step to ensuring you manage the electric bills and save more. But the kicker on residential properties is... Power Factor penalties don't exist. understanding high electricity bills   Residential Customers are NOT billed power factor penalties. However, actual loss (energy inefficiency) in your electrical wiring in your home you ARE billed for! So what's the problem? Energy inefficiency is the problem. You are paying for the energy, but don't get the benefit of it. It's like taking a gallon of milk and pouring half of it on the ground. A Homeowner benefits by reducing the losses in their home aka making his/her home more energy efficient. By installing an Electric Saver 1200 device in your home, you can make your home more energy efficient and protect it against power surges. This product has helped so many people save on their power usage. The conventional way in which power travels from the transformer to the motor in your home encounters some power loss which is charged by the power company. Yet, its not being used in your household, that's called ENERGY INEFFICIENCY plain and simple. electric saver box   The Electric Saver works by recycling otherwise lost energy. By reducing the heat on your motor wires this reduces your electricity bill. In addition, major electric appliances such as the refrigerator, washing machine and air conditioner have inductive motors that promote energy wastage. This is reduced by use of the Electric Saver as it recovers and recycles wasted energy leading to a decrease in electricity bills. This product is very effective as it is available for both single home motors as well as complex business unit size models for commercial locations. The product can be installed to your business or home indoors our out as the box casing is rainproof. The product has a life expectancy of 25 years. What a great way to save energy and protect your home appliances from power surges and spikes. This product is easy to install and is maintenance free. This product can be used in businesses, factories, offices, schools and homes in reducing electricity. You can purchase this product anytime online and you will get it delivered with full instructions of use. There is also a 1 YEAR money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose, except high power bills! Buy Electric Saver 1200 Now! And when it comes to Power Factor Penalties, it's a double whammy for commercial property owners. Not only are they overpaying when they have energy inefficiencies, but they are also billed a power factor penalty too! By making the business more energy efficient, you can reduce the energy losses AND reduce the Power Factor Penalty (if done properly-contact me for details if you need help doing this). So, a homeowner benefits, but business owners REALLY benefit in more ways than one.  

For even more tips to save on electricity bills, visit our guide here! Or To better understand electricity bills, we give a full breakdown here. We have a ton of tips showing how to easily shave 20% (or MORE) off your power bills listed on this page. Thank you for visiting our blog, we loved having you here. We hope you enjoyed our post. We can’t wait to see you again soon. Happy Energy Saving!. 1st seen here

This Post Does PFC REALLY Matter? 1st Seen on My Blog Here

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