Friday, August 30, 2019

This is WAY More Sensible than Stocks/Crypto…

Power tо уоur home оr busіnеѕѕ іѕ оnе оf thе largest expеnѕеѕ yоu wіll havе over your lifetime. Most don't invest in this as they don't even realize they can do anything about it. But, the truth is you can do something about it. Rather than only investing in stocks, you can take action and "invest" in YOUR Future. By putting your attention on this, you can improve your quality of life for your family. This little box, called the Electric Sаver 1200, саn be instаlled on your property to help you do just this. The Electric Savеr dеvіcе helps yоu make your home more energy efficient by focusing on the motors/appliances in your home. Howеver, thiѕ dеvісе dоеѕ mоre thаn just reduсe thе аmоunt оf еlесtrісitу you consume. It сan also helр to еxtеnd thе lіfesрan of thе appliances аnd air соndіtіоnіng ѕуѕtem in уоur home aѕ wеll. Wіth this dеvіce, уоu wіll find that your motors & appliances will last longer and will nоt nеed to bе rерlaсed аѕ оftеn. Plus уou wіll аlѕо fіnd that you don't havе tо sреnd so muсh eасh yеаr on аctuallу maіntаinіng аnd rераirіng the ѕуѕtеm aѕ wеll. As for thе іnѕtallаtiоn, thеsе саn bе fitted bу уоursеlf or you can еmplоу thе ѕerviсеs оf а quаlifіed electriсіаn or handyman. Full іnѕtаllatіоn іnѕtruсtіоns are provided. The асtuаl іnstаllаtion of thе Electric Sаvеr dеviсе wіll оnlу tаke а mаttеr of minutes tо сomplеte. But оnсе іnstalled you аre аlreаdу on уоur way tо rеducing уоur аnnuаl utіlitу bіllѕ. In fасt when уou recеivе уоur nеxt utilіtу bіll уоu wіll be amаzеd at јust hоw muсh thіѕ lіttle devіcе has hеlpеd уou.   Sо аll in аll, if уou wаnt tо be onе that nоt оnly ѕavеѕ уourѕеlf moneу, but hеlрs to rеduсе thе world'ѕ cаrbоn fоot print, іt is wоrth cоnsіdеrіng inѕtallіng аn Electric Sаver devіcе. Not оnly will уоu be muсh haррiеr beсаuѕе уоur energy billѕ аre соstіng lesѕ but yоur envіrоnment wіll be far better аs well. Start Saving Money on your Electricity Bill in a matter of days! Enjoy that extra $20, 30,possibly even $50 EVERY month and spend it on something you love! Buy Electric Saver 1200 Now! We hope you enjoyed our post as much as we loved having you here. Be sure to like/share our posts because we know your family & friends deserve a more improved life too! Follow our blog for more helpful posts! Thanks for visiting. Source Save Save

The blog post This is WAY More Sensible than Stocks/Crypto… was 1st seen here

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

You KNOW when you are being BS’d RIGHT?!?

What Causes Low PowerDo power saving devices actually work and save homeowners money? It depends on who you ask. Without sounding like I'm a crackpot, let's just say there are always 3 sides to every story. His side, her side, and what actually happened. Well, when it comes to power savers, no matter what your opinion is, if you haven't actually tested it in it's proper application, your opinion means jack... nada. That's like me pushing a lawn mower on the concrete sidewalk and saying, " Look honey, see it doesn't work. It doesn't actually cut any grass!". Truly all you are saying is BS. People are smarter than that and can instinctively SMELL it! Most experts on power saving agree that the theory that supports the manufacture of the power savers, is sound and workable. However, practical applications of the product have unearthed several interesting and sometimes controversial features that call for further discussions. Some users are happy with the product, while others categorically claim that this whole affair of energy savers is a fraud of great proportions. A power saver review of the pros and cons of this product would certainly help those contemplating buying it. We suggest you make your purchase with someone who has a good return policy just in case, like Electric Saver 1200. Start Saving MoneyOur products have been designed primarily to help you reduce your energy bills, but they also double as surge protectors. Should your home get hit by a power surge, this 1 device can prevent you from having to replace your refrigerator AND a weeks worth of groceries.

But do these power saver products actually work?

Yes. Not only are they workable, but they are guaranteed to work or your money back. We put our money where our mouth is on it. We are a family based business and we value what we give back to the world. We don't want your money if you aren't getting results with our products.


On legality, our device does not interfere with the electricity meter and is therefore legal. The power saver device connects to the post meter circuit, which in no way affects the functioning of the meter. Other device manufacturers claim that their products can guarantee savings up to 30 to 40% of the power consumption. We do not. We know that every property is different. Our products include a satisfaction guarantee because of this. No matter if you save 5%,10% or 28% over the next 20 years though, we KNOW you will be impressed with your savings.


How Does It Save ElectricityMany electrical experts believe that the affair of the power saver devices is a fraud of gigantic proportions imposed on the unsuspecting public. They claim that, buying a power saver device, is a waste of money and will not save power consumption in your home. They argue that, while the manufacturer's claim of power factor correction is true, the very basis of the theory is incorrect because the power companies do not penalize the domestic users for bad power factor ratings. That part is true, homeowners do not pay a power factor penalty. However, in the same right, homeowners DO pay for inefficient appliances and wasted electricity from those appliances. the-truth The only way your power provider can bill you is by measuring your energy consumption. If you replace your old refrigerator with a new more energy efficient one, how does the power company know? Because of your usage. So, by simply making the large motors and appliances in your home actually demand less from your power provider, your bill decreases. And thousands of people who have installed our products can prove it on their electricity bills. This includes the average homeowner all the way to the US Govt. monitoring and seeing results. So you be the judge. Are those that are claiming power savers don't work ACTUALLY TESTING THE PRODUCT IN IT'S PROPER APPLICATION? Do they have 3rd party tests, and trusted verified sources verifying the validity of the power savers? Do they have tons of satisfied customers who actually took the time to give feedback on the product? We do. And we guarantee you will be satisfied with the extra energy savings and extra $ you will be putting in your pocket over the next 20 years! Actual results on your home or business, that's what matters. NOT math problems or even worse incomplete "scientific tests" with a theory/hypothesis and some math supposedly proving it but NEVER actually testing the product for the workability or lack thereof. There are some "science" forums that should be ashamed of themselves for this one. They skipped a VERY VITAL step. How can so many people be hoodwinked with an incomplete test because it looks all "scientific" and uses some math to back it up? Just like in the science fair, you can have a great theory/hypothesis. But the real proof in the pudding is by doing an actual scientific test in its proper application. Either your theory gets proven or it doesn't. See results for yourself. Test it out, compare your bills from last year to this year. In fact, we WANT you to see for yourself. Don't listen, look. You can monitor your energy usage and see results with your own eyes. I use this to test to see what things impact my bill. You should too. Click Here to Check it Out. It's time YOU TAKE control of your future. You decide, not someone else. You and your loved ones deserve a better future. You have an entire YEAR to decide if it works or not. Imagine what you can do for your family with an extra $5-10k? Fight back against your power company now! Visit our site now to get yours today. Remember it's guaranteed to work or your money back. We hope you enjoyed our post as much as we loved having you here. Be sure to like/share our post because we know your family & friends deserve more cash in their wallet too! Thanks for visiting. Source Save Save Save

This Blog Source You KNOW when you are being BS’d RIGHT?!? first published here Electric Saver 1200

Monday, August 26, 2019

Fans are 5%, Lighting is 10%, what’s the rest?

When it comes to ceiling fans, I always used to forget to do this. But, no more! Set a reminder on your phone or mark it down on your calendar. Make your home more energy efficient by doing simple things. There are a lot of ceiling fans which are capable of changing the direction of their blades for optimal efficacy – this is based on the season. If you do not change the direction of your blades based on the season of your place, then your fan could be performing better for you. Be sure to adjust your blades direction, depending on the season. But, that's only 5% of your power bill. Below are more ways you can easily save...   1) Do you turn on all the lights in your room to make it brighter? There is no need for you to turn on the lights specifically designed for couches, chairs, kitchen tables and office spaces if you are not reading or sitting in that location. If you choose to turn on every light in the room, then you will need to prepare yourself for a higher electric bill! Only turn on the lighting you need for the area in which you are using. 2. Do you leave all your lights turned on or forget to turn them off when you leave the room? Believe it or not, this could add another 10% to your energy bill simply by forgetting to switch off the light switches in the home. 3) Ceiling Fans left on constantly? While it is true that fans enable you to change the temperature of a certain room, if you are not expecting someone to enter that room, leave everything off including the fans. This little tip, could save you an additional 3-5% easily. KVAR Calculation Process 4) Old Appliances. Another reason your energy consumption is high is perhaps your appliances are too old. If you use older appliances, they consume a lot more electricity which adds up on your electric bill. Because newer appliances are more energy efficient, upgrade your appliances into energy efficient ones. 5) Is your Air Conditioning & Heating System operating in tip top shape? If you don't have the means to upgrade appliances or retrofit a new HVAC system on your property, you are not alone. Another solution is to make your current HVAC system as energy efficient as possible. Check out for more info on how to do this. Use These Tips to Stop Wasting Electricity! For even more tips to save on electricity bills, visit our guide here! Or To better understand electricity bills, we give a full breakdown here. We have a ton of tips showing how to easily shave 20% (or MORE) off your power bills listed on this page. Thank you for visiting our blog, we loved having you here. We hope you enjoyed our post. We can’t wait to see you again soon. Happy Energy Saving!. Source  

The following article Fans are 5%, Lighting is 10%, what’s the rest? originated from Electric-Saver-1200- Electricity-Saving-Blog-Tips

Friday, August 23, 2019

Loyalty… it’s important.

We all want to do our part to support AMERICA. But with limited resources, sometimes the price is THE decision maker in a household. But why should you go out of your way to buy American? Because in the long run, it really does matter. Over time, America has seen more and more jobs go overseas. By buying American made products and supporting local businesses, YOU can change that. Today, we decided to write about our American Made product and why it's the best. Not because we think so, but because China has made a reputation for themselves without anyone else's help in ALL industries. And although competing with China has been a very TOUGH game, especially when families in America are given no other choices. Now we are giving EVERYONE a choice. Now American Companies are getting the support and recognition they need to thrive. We proudly manufacture the Electric Saver 1200 in the good 'ol USA. It's an electricity saving box that makes your home more energy efficient by focusing on motor driven equipment. And while our prices are very competitive, our quality can't be beat. When it's something electrical attached to the place your loved ones inhabit, or your coworkers spend the majority of their awake time, quality & safety matters. You can visit if you want to find out more about this product. KVAR Electric Saver Box Why is the ELECTRIC SAVER 1200 considered to be the best among anything else in the market? First, the Electric Saver 1200 is safe. When it comes to all things electrical, be sure the product you are installing has been safety tested. Second, it is budget friendly. We understand what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck, IT SUCKS. Our mission is to offer an affordable electric saver box to every household in the world. Thus, improving the way of life of every individual. Results are guaranteed or your money back. Third, the item has product liability insurance. We carry a $2M dollar policy on our product to ensure your loved ones are protected, no matter what. Because not only is quality a BIG DEAL to us, so is safety. We know that everyone is human, so taking an extra step just as a precaution is best. Think Green What if the product stops working? There is no need to worry because your purchase of the product includes a 20 year warranty. This means, you are covered for 20 years against workmanship or product defects. Why is the Electric Saver 1200 so affordable compared to the thousands in savings I can receive? We manufacture our products. There are no middle man. As a result, we can keep the prices low. (Unlike other electrical power savers being promoted by middleman and they jack up the price. Yes, there are some that sell these boxes for alot more. And there are some-like China- that sell these boxes alot less with cheap components.) Are we as cheap as China?... no. But we ensure we use the best quality products to maintain quality & safety. But when you compare our prices vs. theirs AND CONSIDER the quality of product? Ours is a home run! Buying American means long term satisfaction. When we build American made products, we want the words to pop into your mind: Tough, Safe, Quality, Dependability & Value= Built to Last!

Am I Buying American? made-in-the-usa-with-pride Yes! We manufacture our products in Okeechobee, FL USA (just 2 hours south of Disney World :) We believe that quality workmanship is of utmost important in any product. We are doing our part to bring more jobs back to America. We love our country and we love providing jobs to hardworking Americans. When you buy from us, you are buying quality American Manufactured Products. made in usa electricity saving box To learn more about our products, visit: We hope you enjoyed our post! For even more energy saving ideas, visit our site above. We love sharing more and more energy saving ideas with you. Thanks for visiting, we loved having you here. All the Best in Energy Saving!   1st seen here

This post Loyalty… it’s important. 1st Seen on My Blog Here Electric Saver 1200

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Make ‘Em Jealous. But, BE NICE & Share This!

Want to be the KING at the next neighborhood BBQ? While that may, or may not, be your reasoning to implement the below tips (wink wink), you definitely can make your neighbors jealous... IF you so choose. Simply implement and then track your before/after power bills to "share with your neighbors" (insert evil laugh here- Woohoohoohahaha!) So, here are some of the best ways to save electricity at home. If you use Electric Saver, your appliances can become more energy efficient. It also helps increase the life expectancy of the home appliances. You will be protected from power surges and wasted energy. If you do experience brownouts, Electric Saver can help. heating energy loss

Here are some helpful tips to lower energy bills:

  • Always unplug appliances when they are not in use. Even if they are turned off, they are still consuming electricity.
  • Put away your chargers until you use them. Although you might need them to charge your personal gadgets, don't plug them in until you actually need them.
  • Switch off home theater equipment, TV, or stereos. If they stay on standby mode, their accumulated consumption might amount to a 75-watt bulb that is turned on continuously.
  • Set your power settings in your computer when they are still not in use. An hour of inactivity should automatically turn the computer off. You can do the configuration through the energy management system of the computer.
  • Enable hibernate mode feature if computer inactivity reaches 15 minutes or more. It saves you energy and time compared to shutting the computer down completely. It would keep the opened tabs intact even when the system is hibernating.
  • Take advantage of the sunlight. Instead of letting your heater work endlessly, open the windows and let the light and warm air in. At night, close the windows and their shades or blinds to retain the heat within the house.
  • During the summer, give your A/C system a break by making sure the windows, shades or blinds are closed. This would seal off the cool air from going out and the warm air from coming in.
  • Let your water heater run at 120 to 130 degrees. This would stop you from using more electricity to heat the water for your dishwasher or to heat more water once you run out of hot water.
  • Always turn off the lights in empty, unused rooms.
  • Make full use of the daylight.
  • Set the freezer in 0 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit and the refrigerator temperature in 38 to 42 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure the door is closed tightly.
  • Dry your laundry in the clothesline instead of fully depending on the dryer.
  • Avoid preheating the oven or constantly peeking in to check the food.
  • Use cold water for washing and rinsing the clothes.
If you practice these things at home, you will see a reduction in your energy consumption. Want to Start Saving Money and Electricity the Easy Way? Click The Buy Now Button below: Best Buy Energy Saver saving-energy-easy   For even more tips to save on electricity bills, visit our guide here! Or To better understand electricity bills, we give a full breakdown here. We have a ton of tips showing how to easily shave 20% (or MORE) off your power bills listed on this page. Thank you for visiting our blog, we loved having you here. We hope you enjoyed our post. Be sure to sign up for your free gift before you go. We can’t wait to see you again soon. Happy Energy Saving!. Source  

The blog post Make ‘Em Jealous. But, BE NICE & Share This! originally published on ElectricSaver1200- Energy Tips

Monday, August 19, 2019

They Don’t Care About YOU! Here’s why…

With energy rates rising, it is a great idea to look for ways to save electricity on your home. No one likes to pay outrageous electricity bills. Am I right? But how do you go about lowering electricity bills when you barely understand the bill to begin with, much less how to assess what things in the home are costing you the most? Kilowatt Electrical equipment in your house can be very inefficient and some energy hogs are responsible for 50% of your high energy bills. Your energy provider is not concerned with the inefficiency of your equipment, and ruthlessly bills you for the wasted energy. Why do I take this position? It is because they are using the SAME technology on their power grid to make it more efficient and increase their profit margins and don't openly/honestly make it available to you. Your power provider isn't taking the initiative to help their customers actually use less energy. Sure they have their nice little PR campaigns about switching out light bulbs (which is only 5-10% of your bills so it really won't even make a dent.) Why? It's like asking your local grocery store owner to show you how to buy less groceries. It is NOT in their best interest to do so.

Why would your power company spend millions of dollars just so their customers could purchase less from them and put them out of business?

I know it's not moral or ethical, but this is happening around us every day. Robber sues homeowner for breaking into her house! Commercials on TV stating, this medication will help you lose weight, and then the rest of the commercial is about all the horrible side effects you may see from taking medication. It is up to us as the end user, to look at all the information and seek alternative arguments. It is up to us to make our own judgements based on our own specific situation we are going through in our lives. Thus I digress, back to my position on your power company. Why would they put themselves in a position to cut their profit margins? So, what do you do? The first step is to educate yourself on what's impacting your power bills. Researching the internet is an excellent way to do your due diligence. The below infographic gives you an idea on how to get started on the basics.   But notice, the above image is just a brief overview of basic things to do in your home. If you really want to tackle the big energy hogs in your home, look to your large motor driven appliances such as your Central A/C, Heat Pump system, Swimming Pool Pump Motors & large appliances (like washer/dryers/refrigerators/freezers/etc). This is what REALLY costs you on your power bill. Instead of going out and purchasing all top of the line energy efficient equipment, what if there was a way to make them more energy efficient without spending thousands of dollars? That is rarely discussed. But it is possible. The Electric Saver 1200 is a box that helps motor driven appliances in your home or business be more energy efficient by recycling wasted energy. Whether you purchase an old refrigerator or a new one, the only way your power company knows how much energy to bill you for is by what the appliance actual uses. By installing this little box on your property, you can make the motors in your home operate MUCH more efficiently so that YOU aren't billed an arm and a leg just for washing clothes and running your A/C. hot sweaty no a/c working But, why stop there? Have you ever come home from a hard day at work and realized the new TV you just bought for Christmas isn't working? And then you go into the kitchen to grab a cold drink and the fridge is out too... along with all your groceries for the week spoiling? That smell, ugh! I know I am not alone on this one when I say- It sucks! You do a little more digging and it turns out, your home had a power surge while you were slaving away at work. Can you call the power company and demand they replace your TV and refrigerator? Good luck with that. Most likely they will say you should've had surge protection equipment on your home to protect yourself. Well that doesn't help you deal with the situation right now does it?!? The Electric Saver 1200 not only helps make your home more energy efficient, but also protects your property against power surges or spikes. no refrigerator- power surges   So, my message to you is: DON'T BE THAT GUY! ^^^^^ Take action right now. Even if you don't care about saving energy, protecting your home against power surges and avoiding having to replace a week's worth of groceries and a refrigerator will be well worth it. BE THIS GUY! To get yours today, CLICK HERE We hope you enjoyed our post as much as we loved having you here. Be sure to like/share our posts because we know your family & friends deserve a more improved life too! Follow our blog for more helpful posts! Don’t forget to claim your free gift before you leave. Thanks for visiting. Source

The post They Don’t Care About YOU! Here’s why… came from ES1200 BLOG

Friday, August 16, 2019

Rising Energy Rates? Tell ‘Em Where They Can Go!

understanding high electricity billsToday, one of our major concerns is to save money and energy. With energy bills sky high and rates constantly increasing too, it is no surprise you are sick of it. We are too. When you receive your power bill, do you REALLY analyze or EVEN understand what is listed on your bill, or do you just pay it and grumble? Isn't is time you told your power company, enough is enough?!? If your grocery store were purposely marking up your bill by 15-20%, you'd tell them where they can go right?!? Well, here's some backup to do just that. Start lowering your power bills and reduce your energy consumption right now.

  • Invest on energy competent appliances
  Buy appliances that suit your needs. Keeping a check on the energy consumption for each device will help to reduce utilization of energy and the standby power consumption as well. Look carefully for the energy saving features and the energy stickers on them. Selecting appliances that are appropriate for the purpose you have in mind will give you great savings on your energy bill. For example, adequately to cool a room of 10' x 10', you need only a 0.75 ton or maximum 1-ton air conditioner. If you buy a 2-ton air conditioner for the same room, that would be wasteful and definitely overkill. You would be consuming double the power for no reason at all. Such matters require your consideration before purchase. Speaking of appliances, make them as energy efficient as possible by purchasing and Electric Saver 1200. This device can help make the motor driven appliances in your home more energy efficient requiring you to consume less from your power provider. And it lasts for 20 years so you are putting thousands in your pocket from this investment.

  • Microwave
For purposes of heating small quantities of food, microwaves use less energy than the other conventional OTG ovens and the normal gas stoves. The electric waves of the microwave oven consume less energy because it heats only the food particles and nothing else; the process of heating up food is much faster than any other medium and consequently an 80% saving in consumption of electricity is a normal estimate. It generates very little excess heat in the cooking area and results in the lesser usage of air conditioning.
  • Power Strips
Certain electronic devices consume a small portion of energy even when you switch them off and leave them in standby mode. Our television and computer systems are apt examples. Though they consume very little energy, cumulatively, they contribute their mite towards the electricity bill generated monthly. The power switch is an aid to this issue. By just flicking a switch, you could stop the flow of energy completely. New versions of these power strip switches cater to almost every electrical/electronic appliance.
  • Programmable Thermostat
programmable thermostatThermostats with a programmable feature are ideal for you to regulate the extent of energy needed by your air conditioners or heaters during your absence from your home or office. You could conveniently program your thermostat to provide the right temperature that would utilize optimum power. This feature makes it comfortable for yourself to get in to your home after a long holiday and not feel stuffy as it maintains the right duly programmed temperature. The feature gives you the advantage of lower power consumption in your absence and the right temperature to keep you comfortable, when you return.
  • Battery Charger
In the end, rechargeable Alkaline Batteries are more economical than the use and throw ones, which contribute to the toxic waste. In the final analysis, the manufacturer consumes lesser power and the issue of toxic landfill is controlled. Use new and efficient battery chargers that will not tax your power consumption. energy efficiency habits We hope you enjoyed our post as much as we loved having you here. Be sure to like/share & follow our blog! Be sure to visit our site today. Start fighting back now. Source Save Save

This Blog Source Rising Energy Rates? Tell ‘Em Where They Can Go! originally posted here ES1200 BLOG

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Were These Changes Better or Worse?

Brought to you by: Electric Saver 1200 President Obama proposed a national energy-saving plan years ago but the effects are still being felt in the energy sector. By compelling utilities to harness other diverse energy sources, including the solar and wind power, hydroelectric, nuclear and the like, it could have a contradictory effect long term. This has led to an increase in our electricity rates NOT a decrease or improvement as we would have hoped. High Electricity Fortunately, these diverse energy sources do not give off emission of greenhouse gases, and pollute the world. There is that chance that by motivating people with incentives to cut their electricity consumption, that costs/usage can decrease too.  Do you think these changes were for the better or worse? The Obama administration created a unique energy initiative that focused on clean energy values that, by the year 2035, would assure the country of an 80% dependence on other clean and renewable sources of energy. Some of these methods would mean harnessing the power from the sun and the wind, besides using natural gas, nuclear power plants and even using the coal plants by fortifying the means of trapping and storing the emissions of carbon dioxide, by some innovative method. Interestingly, these clean sources now supply up to 40% of the US energy requirements. nuclear plant leaked Many experts strongly feel that the cap-and-trade system brought along with this initiative is more acceptable because they see more leeway for decreasing their emissions and thereby allowing them to opt for cost-effective methods to reach their goal. Some experts opine that, in this clean-energy scheme, it is possible to design new criteria to meet the flexibility standards of a cap-and-trade system. The Obama's administration listed the guiding principles about environment and energy. It talks about new clean energy creation, employment and technologies, leading to better independent energy-efficiency in the US, and making the world a far safer place to live in, with far lesser carbon emissions. Recycling a way to protect our planet The White House website, on the 40th anniversary of the Earth Day, mentioned the proposals that the management had undertaken:

  • A SGIG (Smart Grid Investment Grant) of $3.4 billion, announced (as a part of the ARR Act of 2009 (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act), focused on 49 states and planned to cut power usage by 4% before the year 2030.
  • Latest efficiency rules for home equipment.
  • The ARPA-E or Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy plan under the Energy and the Defense Departments formed the DARPA or Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
  • A recent National Fuel Efficiency plan, relevant to 2012-2016 car models, will oblige carmakers, to make fuel efficiency of 35.5 mpg, a reality.
  • A new "Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule," initiated by the Environmental Protection Agency, now makes it mandatory for major emitters of carbon dioxide in the US, to report the quantum of their emissions.
  • A new statement on ways to help the federal government advocate a "home energy efficiency" retrofit industry “that is self-sustaining."
  • A three-pronged plan ensured the increased production of bio-fuels: a standard for restorable fuels, a program for biomass crop-support, and bio-fuels working team. President Obama initiated an inter-agency job force to help introduce a federal plan to capture and store carbon.
The American recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 was the cornerstone of most of Obama's administrative initiatives, which allocated the bulk funding for purposes of clean energy. The Obama administration stated on their website that they claimed over $80 billion received towards clear energy investments. Whether you loved Obama or hated him, it goes without saying that he changed the energy sector and his initiatives are still being felt all across the nation. Do you think his initiatives helped our country or hurt it? And now that Donald Trump is president, what changes do you expect to come in the USA Energy sector in the near future? We hope you enjoyed our post. Be sure to share with all your family/friends. For even more Energy Saving Ideas, be sure to visit this post, and Follow Our Blog! Source

The following article Were These Changes Better or Worse? originally posted on

Monday, August 12, 2019

56% of Power Bill goes to…

If you are one of those households whose electric bill is too high, this post is for you.  These quick steps on how to save 25% on your electric bill in 5 minutes. As soon as you implement or execute what’s written below, you will be able to lower electric bills quickly and easily. Step 1 – Know what appliances, devices or motors contribute a lot to your electric bill. Knowledge is power and as soon as you gain knowledge of what contributes to your bill, you will know how to deal with it. has reported 40-60% of your bill is from Heating/Cooling Costs (aka your Central A/C or Heat Pump) 4 ways to save electricity Step 2 – Get the Electric Saver 1200 installed on your heatpump, central a/c, or your main electric panel. Although traditional ways of saving electricity are still effective, it cannot be denied that indulging in the technology and latest gadgets available will help in lessening your electric bill.

Step 3 – Learn the features and benefits of this electrical saving devices to be aware of how it can help you and when it will take effect. Step 4 – Watch your power bill and compare last year's usage to this years usage after the unit has been installed for at least 1 billing period. Step 5 – Count your energy savings and put it in an account for you to spend on yourself or your family at the end of the year. You may be surprised how quickly the savings adds up. light bulb cost per kwh Take these important steps to saving up to 25% of your electric bill right away. Start Saving Money & Energy now, Click Here Start Saving Now Want even more energy saving ideas, visit: Thanks for visiting our Blog & Reading. We loved having you here! For even more tips to save on electricity bills, visit our guide here! Or To better understand electricity bills, we give a full breakdown here. We have a ton of tips showing how to easily shave 20% (or MORE) off your power bills listed on this page. Be sure to share our posts with all those you care about. Happy Energy Saving!. Post 1st seen here Save Save Save Save Save Save Save

This Blog Source 56% of Power Bill goes to… 1st Seen Here

Friday, August 9, 2019

Don’t be like Oscar. Just don’t.

Once upon a time, there was a guy named Oscar. After a long couple days of working away from home, he arrived home to start preparing dinner. When he opened the fridge, he discovered the entire week's groceries were spoiled because the fridge quit working. With all his groceries inside spoiled, plus an easily $2K expense of a new fridge, he wasn't prepared. He didn't have anything in savings and all his credit cards were maxed. Worse yet, it wasn't really his fault! It was all from a nasty power surge. But after calling his power provider to request a reimbursement, they told him to prove it. After months of getting the runaround, Oscar gave up. Don't be like Oscar, he did NOT live happy ever after. More American families nowadays have VERY little, if ANY funds in savings. It's a whole new generation who never lived through a depression, and never really had to do without. With energy rates always rising, there's NEVER a bad time to look for ways to save electricity on your home. Because every penny saved is extra you didn't have before. But aside from saving energy, is your home protected when disaster strikes? You would be surprised to know that the new "Smart" meters actually are less equipped to protect your home from power surges NOT MORE. No one likes to pay outrageous electricity bills, but losing appliances unexpectedly also just plain out sucks! Am I right? So how do you go about lowering electricity bills & protecting your property from power surges & spikes? Be a Boss! Make sure your property is prepared- locked & loaded against this! Kilowatt 1st assess what affects your property the most i.e. what makes your bill so high to begin with? Electrical equipment in your house can be very inefficient and some energy hogs are responsible for 50% of your high energy bills. Your energy provider is not concerned with the inefficiency of your equipment, and ruthlessly bills you for the wasted energy. Why do I take this position. It is because they are using technology on their power grid to make it more efficient and increase their profit margins. BUT the power provider doesn't take the initiative to help their customers actually use less energy. Sure they have their nice little PR campaigns about switching out light bulbs (which is only 5-10% of your bills so it really won't even make a dent.) Why? It's like asking your local grocery store owner to show you how to buy less groceries. It is NOT in their best interest to do so.

Why would your power company spend millions of dollars just so their customers could purchase less from them and put them out of business?

I know it's not moral or ethical, but this is happening around us every day. Robber sues homeowner for breaking into her house! Commercials on TV stating, this medication will help you lose weight, and then the rest of the commercial is about all the horrible side effects you may see from taking medication. It is up to us as the end user, to look at all the information and seek alternative arguments. It is up to us to make our own judgements based on our own specific situation we are going through in our lives. Thus I digress, back to my position on your power company. Why would they put themselves in a position to cut their profit margins? So, what do you do? The first step is to educate yourself on what's impacting your power bills. Researching the internet is an excellent way to do your due diligence. The below infographic gives you an idea on how to get started on the basics.   But notice, the above image is just a brief overview of basic things to do in your home. If you really want to tackle the big energy hogs in your home, look to your large motor driven appliances such as your Central A/C, Heat Pump system, Swimming Pool Pump Motors & large appliances (like washer/dryers/refrigerators/freezers/etc). This is what REALLY costs you on your power bill. Instead of going out and purchasing all top of the line energy efficient equipment, what if there was a way to make them more energy efficient without spending thousands of dollars? That is rarely discussed. But it is possible. The Electric Saver 1200 is a box that helps motor driven appliances in your home or business be more energy efficient by recycling wasted energy. Whether you purchase an old refrigerator or a new one, the only way your power company knows how much energy to bill you for is by what the appliance actual uses. By installing this little box on your property, you can make the motors in your home operate MUCH more efficiently so that YOU aren't billed an arm and a leg just for washing clothes and running your A/C. hot sweaty no a/c working But, why stop there? Have you ever come home from a hard day at work and realized the new TV you just bought for Christmas isn't working? And then you go into the kitchen to grab a cold drink and the fridge is out too... along with all your groceries for the week spoiling? That smell, ugh! I know I am not alone on this one when I say- It sucks! You do a little more digging and it turns out, your home had a power surge while you were slaving away at work. Can you call the power company and demand they replace your TV and refrigerator? Good luck with that. Most likely they will say you should've had surge protection equipment on your home to protect yourself. Well that doesn't help you deal with the situation right now does it?!? The Electric Saver 1200 not only helps make your home more energy efficient, but also protects your property against power surges or spikes. no refrigerator- power surges   So, my message to you is: DON'T BE THAT GUY! ^^^^^ Take action right now. Even if you don't care about saving energy, protecting your home against power surges and avoiding having to replace a week's worth of groceries and a refrigerator will be well worth it. BE THIS GUY! To get yours today, CLICK HERE We hope you enjoyed our post as much as we loved having you here. Be sure to like/share our posts because we know your family & friends deserve a more improved life too! Follow our blog for more helpful posts! Thanks for visiting. Source

This Blog Source Don’t be like Oscar. Just don’t. was 1st seen here Electric-Saver-1200-BLOG

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Just Say NO to grumbling… here’s some help.

understanding high electricity billsToday, one of our major concerns is to save money and energy. With energy bills sky high and rates constantly increasing too, it is no surprise you are sick of it. We are too. When you receive your power bill, do you REALLY analyze or EVEN understand what is listed on your bill, or do you just pay it and grumble? Isn't is time you told your power company, enough is enough?!? Below are some helpful things you can do to lower your power bills and reduce your energy consumption right now. However, there are other ways to save as well. Here are some methods to start saving:

  • Invest on energy competent appliances
  Buy appliances that suit your needs. Keeping a check on the energy consumption for each device will help to reduce utilization of energy and the standby power consumption as well. Look carefully for the energy saving features and the energy stickers on them. Selecting appliances that are appropriate for the purpose you have in mind will give you great savings on your energy bill. For example, adequately to cool a room of 10' x 10', you need only a 0.75 ton or maximum 1-ton air conditioner. If you buy a 2-ton air conditioner for the same room, that would be wasteful and definitely overkill. You would be consuming double the power for no reason at all. Such matters require your consideration before purchase. Speaking of appliances, make them as energy efficient as possible by purchasing and Electric Saver 1200. This device can help make the motor driven appliances in your home more energy efficient requiring you to consume less from your power provider. And it lasts for 20 years so you are putting thousands in your pocket from this investment.

  • Microwave
For purposes of heating small quantities of food, microwaves use less energy than the other conventional OTG ovens and the normal gas stoves. The electric waves of the microwave oven consume less energy because it heats only the food particles and nothing else; the process of heating up food is much faster than any other medium and consequently an 80% saving in consumption of electricity is a normal estimate. It generates very little excess heat in the cooking area and results in the lesser usage of air conditioning.
  • Power Strips
Certain electronic devices consume a small portion of energy even when you switch them off and leave them in standby mode. Our television and computer systems are apt examples. Though they consume very little energy, cumulatively, they contribute their mite towards the electricity bill generated monthly. The power switch is an aid to this issue. By just flicking a switch, you could stop the flow of energy completely. New versions of these power strip switches cater to almost every electrical/electronic appliance.
  • Programmable Thermostat
programmable thermostatThermostats with a programmable feature are ideal for you to regulate the extent of energy needed by your air conditioners or heaters during your absence from your home or office. You could conveniently program your thermostat to provide the right temperature that would utilize optimum power. This feature makes it comfortable for yourself to get in to your home after a long holiday and not feel stuffy as it maintains the right duly programmed temperature. The feature gives you the advantage of lower power consumption in your absence and the right temperature to keep you comfortable, when you return.
  • Battery Charger
In the end, rechargeable Alkaline Batteries are more economical than the use and throw ones, which contribute to the toxic waste. In the final analysis, the manufacturer consumes lesser power and the issue of toxic landfill is controlled. Use new and efficient battery chargers that will not tax your power consumption. energy efficiency habits We hope you enjoyed our post as much as we loved having you here. Be sure to like/share & follow our blog! Start fighting back now. Source Save Save

This Blog Source Just Say NO to grumbling… here’s some help. originated from Electric-Saver-1200- Electricity-Saving-Blog-Tips

Monday, August 5, 2019

Living in Your Sister’s Basement is NOT Fun!

Once upon a time, there was a guy named Fred. On the eve of his retirement, he realized that his poor financial planning landed him in quite a pickle. You see, he just flew through life by the seat of his pants and never thought about his future and how he wanted to live in that future. He wound up divorced, living in his big sister's basement, broke and utterly and completely defeated. He did not live happily ever after. Don't be Fred! Here's some of the common mistakes that we inadvertently make and what YOU can do right now to change that. Have A Plan Alan Lakein said, "Failing to plan is planning to fail." This is precisely what happens with many of us who do not make a financial plan. Remember, your financial plan will work only if it is fault-free. No Action on the Plan Assuming you have a plan, but do not put in efforts to make it work, it is as good as having no plan. Procrastination is your greatest enemy in this. Work around this and make a success of your life. No Emergency Fund Sometimes things crash, sometimes unemployment happens. By understanding that even if you have the best plan, life does not always go according to plan. This should necessitate you to create an emergency fund covering at least 9 months of your living expenses. This should take care of misfortunes like job loss and the like. Saving Money Budget A budget is imperative for financial planning. Unless you can plan where your money should go, you will not be able to plan your expenditure and balance your cash outflows, leading to a catastrophe. Live Within Your Means Many of us are in the habit of spending money beyond our means to give a general impression about our financial health, even when we probably are up to our neck in debt. Be happy with what you have, and live within your means. Know Your Priorities Mortgage interests are cheaper than consumer debt interests are. Therefore, follow the principle that prudence is the better part of valor, pay up your credit/debit card payments first, and cut your interest liability instead of trying to pay off your mortgage fully. How Putting Energy Saving Practices into your home or business, will increase your cash flow or the bottom line. Let us assume that you have planned your finances badly, and at the far end of your career, just before retirement, you are really in a financial mess. One area where you could affect great savings is by initiating energy-saving practices at both home and office. With proper steps, you can increase your cash flow or bottom line. Please see some of the effective steps given below: 1) You could consider installing a power saver device like the Electric Saver 1200, which will considerably increase the efficiency of your electrical equipment in the house, by recycling the wasted wattage arising from the lost efficiency of these products. 2) Programmable thermostats will save you a good amount of money by turning the thermostat 10 to 15 degrees up or down, as necessary, when you are away, and programming it temperature wise and time wise, to re-start to give you a comfortable zone when you return. 3) Replacing your old model power guzzlers like the clothes dryer, air conditioner, heater and washing machine with latest models sporting efficiency stars, is a great way to economize on power consumption, and therefore, your energy bills. For example, replacement of the clothes dryer could get you a power remission valued at over $130 per annum. 4) Having your HVAC systems checked by the competent authorities and effecting corrections based on their advice will surely give you a good annual saving on your power bills.   5) Several other factors like caulking and weather-stripping your doors and windows, using the right capacity of equipment for the right work, using power strips to turn off standby modes in your equipment such as televisions, etc., help to save on your energy bills. These are all steps in the right direction to increase your cash flow or bottom line and make amends for your earlier lapses in proper financial planning. And if you are lucky, you have plenty of time to take action now. Enjoy 20+ years of energy savings and put all that $ into something more important, like say... YOU- not your power company. For more information on our energy saving product, visit:   . Be sure to like/share our post because we know your family & friends deserve more cash in their wallet too! Follow our blog for more helpful posts! Thanks for visiting. We hope you enjoyed our post as much as we loved having you here. Source Save Save Save Save

This Blog Source Living in Your Sister’s Basement is NOT Fun! originally posted on ES1200's- Ways to Lower My Utility Bill Blog