Friday, June 28, 2019

How Power Factor Affects EVERYONE, EVEN Residential!

Have you ever wondered, "Why is power factor important and how does it affect me?" If you have, then read on as we discuss it in detail. First, "What exactly is power factor?" In the simplest definition, power factor is the actual current that is fully utilized by a motor out of the total current that flows into the device. If your power bills are high and you don't know why, learning more about power factor and motors is a great idea. If you use motor driven equipment/appliances on your property, chances are some motors could have a low power factor. When you measure power factor, it can range from 0 to 1. Zero power factor indicates the least utilization of the flowing current. On the other hand, power factor of 1 or 100% is an indicator that all the current flowing through the device is used for useful work by the device. This is the ideal situation as it shows that there is no current wastage and your motor is 100% efficient.

Real Power and Reactive Power

pfc systems devices For a device with a power factor of 50%, it implies that only 50% of the current flowing through the device is used for useful work by the device. In light of this, POWER FACTOR is very important because it is the difference between paying what you should on your energy bills or a whole lot more. power factor formulaIf you own property that uses heavy motor driven equipment of any kind and it is more than a couple years old, it is very important you check out the power factor of large motors/equipment on your property. Most importantly, those that account for a large portion of your energy bill. Failure to do so may mean you might be paying for energy which actually was never utilized for any useful purpose. (=HIGHER ENERGY BILLS) Don't believe me? The US Dept. of Energy stated, “Over 16 Billion Dollars of Electricity is unusable energy, but billable in the U.S." Now that's alot of cheddar right? So now I hope you understand just how important power factor is. Now, what do you need to do to NOT have to pay for unusable energy? The answer is simple. Power Factor Correction Devices. Will these type of devices help ANY motor become more energy efficient, like say, my Central A/C motor that runs year long in Florida? Yep, you betcha. What about my refrigerator or swimming pool pump? Again yes. Whether you are a residential or commercial customer, you are billed for electricity used. The meters just measure the electricity your property demands from the power grid. They have no way to tell if that refrigerator in your kitchen is from 1952 or the year 2018... other than how much energy it uses. The only difference in commercial property billing is that IF their power factor is below .95, some power companies bill them a penalty charge. Residential customers are not billed power factor penalties. BUT, this does NOT mean that making your property's motors/appliances more energy efficient isn't cost effective. So whether you have a residential or commercial property, power factor correction can help you.

How can I check my Power Factor & Correct it?

power factor correction meterIf you aren't familiar with electrical equipment or amp meters, for safety, always hire a knowledgeable person that can do this safely. If you are a licensed electrician or knowledgeable enough to do this task safely, we recommend checking it with an amp meter. We use the amp meter- Extech 38076 Model as it measures power factor and a whole lot more and doesn't cost alot of $. By clamping the meter to the wires on the motor, setting the amp meter to read the PF, and then getting a reading while the motor is running, you can see just how "efficient" or inefficient your motors on your property are. Usually the readings are .87 or .38 or .52 whatever, you get the idea. If your power factor reading is below .95, it is a good idea to install power factor correction banks. Not only will they help your motors use less energy, but installing them using's method will also help your equipment run cooler and last longer. This benefit alone is worth the investment to protect your large motors/equipment.

What will it cost me in the long run?

If your equipment were hit by a power surge from a storm tonight and fried, how much would it cost you to replace that motor/equipment? (Central Air Conditioning Systems are not cheap, nor are other heavy machinery motors!) Having to replace any equipment is a big expense that could strike at any moment. But having to replace it when you least expect it REALLY hurts. With the power factor correction products mentioned above, they also protect your motors/equipment against power surges/strikes. If your equipment is needed to run your business, how long can you function without it and at what cost? How much is that worth to you? Do you have the funds set aside to replace all your expensive motor driven equipment if this were to happen tomorrow? Let's shield your expensive equipment and prevent this painful experience from ever occurring. Visit our site and buy your power factor correction banks today. Our products have a product life of 25 years and are maintenance free. That's 25 years of energy savings ready to go BACK into your wallet to spend on something YOU love. Get started on the road to energy efficiency right now! Want to learn how to assess power factor and help others save energy while making a great income? Become a dealer, it's absolutely free to signup and learn. We have tons of articles and videos to help you get started. Visit our dealer page now. power factor correction distributor Energy efficiency is important because NO ONE likes to pay bills, especially when they are higher than they should be! Energy efficiency improves you and your family's life & quality of living. By each of us taking the time to learn what impacts our energy bills the most, and doing something about it, we help not only ourselves, but also our planet, OUR HOME survive better. As always, thanks for reading. Here's a helpful infographic below I thought you'd like: energy efficiency and why its important

We hope you enjoyed our post. Be sure to share it with all those you care about. Thank you for visiting our blog, we loved having you here. To better understand electricity bills, click here. For even more tips to save on electricity bills, visit Here! We can’t wait to see you again soon! Source

Blog post How Power Factor Affects EVERYONE, EVEN Residential! posted on

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

BILLION with a B Should = American Greed Episode…

I hope this post doesn't immediately classify me as a conspiracy nut in your mind. But, truth is, some things that are absolutely true are staring right in front of your face. The signs are all there, but most just refuse to believe it... or they look the other way and pretend to not see it. Here's one of those things. The US Dept of Energy has plainly stated that over a BILLION dollars of electricity is billed to consumers per year but is unused. That's a billion with a B! And sadly, there's no end in sight as most don't even know there's a problem. shocked about electricity billing Now I don't know about you, but that's a big deal. What do they mean it's billed but unused? Well, that's like going to the grocery store and your bill is $200, but the cashier tells you its $250 and pockets the extra $50. In the real world, that is called STEALING. So, why is it ok for the Power Companies across the world to do it in mass scale? Especially when regular folks have to work twice as hard nowadays just to raise a family. Most families need both parents working just to be able to afford college for the kids!  At the very least, this should be an episode on American Greed.  But, sadly it's not. inaccurate billing of energy is stealing The power companies have spent hundred of millions of dollars on their grid to make it more efficient so they can profit more. But, when it comes to making your home or business more efficient... or at least billing you correctly for what you ACTUALLY use, well they just aren't willing to invest that type of money into it. I mean, if they can just slide this little problem under the rug and keep pocketing your extra money every month, that's ok right? The sad part of all of this is that most don't even know this is a problem. The power company has done a great job in their PR department making their little tips to save energy well known. But truth is, the power companies make their bills so complicated and hard to understand that most don't even question it and just hopelessly pay their bills. Worried about electricity bills I don't know about you, but I have had enough. I don't want my power company to over-bill me for energy I never even used. I am not talking about penalty charges billed only to commercial facilities. I am talking about the regular folks out there trying to make an honest living. Old folks, young folks, hardworking folks, it's everybody across the board. It is not OK to operate business in an unethical manner. But until, we all come together and clean up ethics in our society, no one is going to stop the power companies from continuing to pocket your money. I am fighting back. I have made my home as energy efficient as possible so that the power company doesn't get 1 extra dime from me. I also installed these units on my neighbors homes as well as every family member I have. I want to help you too. I don't want you to have to pay 1 extra dime to your power company either. I am talking about making the meter read your home or business' usage more honestly. And it's totally legal for you to do it too. power company accurate billing It's legal to install a new refrigerator in your home. So yes, installing surge protection and power savers is legal too-(as long as you are installing on your side of the meter). However, the power company isn't willing to spend money on it to do it for you. I mean, that would cut their profit margins BIG TIME... and they can't have that. The Execs need their new Ferrari's this quarter ya know?!? So what are you going to do? Are you going to keep hopelessly paying your power bill OR are you going to make them bill you honestly. Are you going to go the extra mile and make your home as energy efficient as possible. Knowing someone is pocketing my hard earned dollars is enough for me to take a stand. What about you? This device has been used by so many people already. We have shipped to just about every country in the world. They work everywhere. It's time to fight back. Join me and start putting your hard earned dollars BACK into your wallet. Find out more about it here: Click Here Stop Wasting Electricity! We hope you enjoyed this post. To read more about better understanding electricity bills, click here. For even more ways to save on electricity bills, visit Here! Thank you for visiting our blog, we loved having you here. Be sure to share with your friends before you go. Happy Energy Saving! Source

The blog post BILLION with a B Should = American Greed Episode… originated from ES1200's- Ways to Lower My Utility Bill Blog

Monday, June 24, 2019

Income vs. Electricity Rates *It’s worse than most think!*

Are you fed up with rising utility bills? With so much power consumption in this day and age, it is no laughing matter that electricity is so much more costly than decades ago. What’s worse is that salaries have not risen in the same proportion as electricity rates. But, more importantly is that your dollar can buy less today than what your parents could. It is VITAL to make your earnings stretch as far as possible. Energy efficiency is a great way to make a significant impact in your bills. Though some electricity is generated from renewable sources of energy, most currently are not. This gives a very good reason to start saving electricity. Our responsibility to save electricity and safeguard our planet’s precious resources is not a difficult journey if you have the right knowledge. By determining what things in your home are consuming the most energy and for how many hours per day, you can easily focus on where to start and make the biggest impact. This could be done in several ways. We recommend assessing your power consumption on the motors in your home because heating and cooling accounts for 40-60% of your power bill.

  • By finding the heat pump or Air Conditioning System that uses the most energy in your home, you can then use an Electric Saver product to make it more efficient. By availing yourself of the Electric Saver, you not only save energy, but also money & improve your life by doing so.
Question about saving energyLet me ask you a question... If you could save just 1 month of electricity every year, for the next 25 years, what would you spend your energy savings on? While you may want to spend it on more vacations or more Christmas gifts to loved ones, sometimes it's just nice to have a little extra. It's nice to have more financial freedom right?   The energy efficient product I use and have installed on all my neighbors homes (and all my family/friends' homes too) is called the Electric Saver 1200. This device is a quality Made in USA product manufactured in Okeechobee, FL. This product also helps extend the life of your electric appliances/motors and safeguards your home from electric spikes & surges too. Because no one wants to come home from work to a fried refrigerator and the week's groceries spoiled, right? Just that feature alone is why most smart homeowners install this product. But check out the other reviews other users have given about the Electric Saver 1200- NOT just my family and friends lol! The pic below is from a happy business owner shared by 1 of our distributors. electric saver review

Here's how it works:

Want more ways to save energy?

For even more tips to save on electricity bills, visit our guide here! Or To better understand electricity bills, we give a full breakdown here. We have a ton of tips showing how to easily shave 20% (or MORE) off your power bills listed on this page. Energy Efficiency is key!   Thank you for visiting our blog, we loved having you here. We hope you enjoyed our post. We can’t wait to see you again soon. Happy Energy Saving!. Source Save Save

This Blog Source Income vs. Electricity Rates *It’s worse than most think!* came from ES1200's Energy Saving Tips Blog

Friday, June 21, 2019

Are You Locked & Loaded for THIS? Don’t be like Dilbert.

Once upon a time, there was a guy named Dilbert.  After a long couple days of working away from home, he arrived home to start preparing dinner.  When he opened the fridge, he discovered the entire week's groceries were spoiled because the fridge quit working. With all his groceries inside spoiled, plus an easily $2K expense of a new fridge, he wasn't prepared.  He didn't have anything in savings and all his credit cards were maxed. Worse yet, it wasn't really his fault! It was all from a nasty power surge. But after calling his power provider to request a reimbursement, they told him to prove it.  After months of getting the runaround, Dilbert gave up.  Don't be like Dilbert, he did NOT live happy ever after. More American families nowadays have VERY little, if ANY funds in savings. It's a whole new generation who never lived through a depression, and never really had to do without.  With energy rates always rising, there's NEVER a bad time to look for ways to save electricity on your home. Because every penny saved is extra you didn't have before. But aside from saving energy, is your home protected when disaster strikes?   You would be surprised to know that the new "Smart" meters actually are less equipped to protect your home from power surges NOT MORE. No one likes to pay outrageous electricity bills, but losing appliances unexpectedly also just plain out sucks! Am I right? So how do you go about lowering electricity bills & protecting your property from power surges & spikes? Be a Boss! Make sure your property is prepared- locked & loaded against this! Kilowatt 1st assess what affects your property the most i.e. what makes your bill so high to begin with? Electrical equipment in your house can be very inefficient and some energy hogs are responsible for 50% of your high energy bills. Your energy provider is not concerned with the inefficiency of your equipment, and ruthlessly bills you for the wasted energy. Why do I take this position. It is because they are using technology on their power grid to make it more efficient and increase their profit margins. BUT the power provider doesn't take the initiative to help their customers actually use less energy. Sure they have their nice little PR campaigns about switching out light bulbs (which is only 5-10% of your bills so it really won't even make a dent.) Why? It's like asking your local grocery store owner to show you how to buy less groceries. It is NOT in their best interest to do so.

Why would your power company spend millions of dollars just so their customers could purchase less from them and put them out of business?

I know it's not moral or ethical, but this is happening around us every day. Robber sues homeowner for breaking into her house! Commercials on TV stating, this medication will help you lose weight, and then the rest of the commercial is about all the horrible side effects you may see from taking medication. It is up to us as the end user, to look at all the information and seek alternative arguments. It is up to us to make our own judgements based on our own specific situation we are going through in our lives. Thus I digress, back to my position on your power company. Why would they put themselves in a position to cut their profit margins? So, what do you do? The first step is to educate yourself on what's impacting your power bills. Researching the internet is an excellent way to do your due diligence. The below infographic gives you an idea on how to get started on the basics.   But notice, the above image is just a brief overview of basic things to do in your home. If you really want to tackle the big energy hogs in your home, look to your large motor driven appliances such as your Central A/C, Heat Pump system, Swimming Pool Pump Motors & large appliances (like washer/dryers/refrigerators/freezers/etc). This is what REALLY costs you on your power bill. Instead of going out and purchasing all top of the line energy efficient equipment, what if there was a way to make them more energy efficient without spending thousands of dollars? That is rarely discussed. But it is possible. The Electric Saver 1200 is a box that helps motor driven appliances in your home or business be more energy efficient by recycling wasted energy. Whether you purchase an old refrigerator or a new one, the only way your power company knows how much energy to bill you for is by what the appliance actual uses. By installing this little box on your property, you can make the motors in your home operate MUCH more efficiently so that YOU aren't billed an arm and a leg just for washing clothes and running your A/C. hot sweaty no a/c working But, why stop there? Have you ever come home from a hard day at work and realized the new TV you just bought for Christmas isn't working? And then you go into the kitchen to grab a cold drink and the fridge is out too... along with all your groceries for the week spoiling? That smell, ugh! I know I am not alone on this one when I say- It sucks! You do a little more digging and it turns out, your home had a power surge while you were slaving away at work. Can you call the power company and demand they replace your TV and refrigerator? Good luck with that. Most likely they will say you should've had surge protection equipment on your home to protect yourself. Well that doesn't help you deal with the situation right now does it?!? The Electric Saver 1200 not only helps make your home more energy efficient, but also protects your property against power surges or spikes. no refrigerator- power surges   So, my message to you is: DON'T BE THAT GUY! ^^^^^ Take action right now. Even if you don't care about saving energy, protecting your home against power surges and avoiding having to replace a week's worth of groceries and a refrigerator will be well worth it. BE THIS GUY! To get yours today, CLICK HERE We hope you enjoyed our post as much as we loved having you here. Be sure to like/share our posts because we know your family & friends deserve a more improved life too! Follow our blog for more helpful posts! Thanks for visiting. Source

The post Are You Locked & Loaded for THIS? Don’t be like Dilbert. first published here

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

5 Easy Steps to Making Your Home or Business Greener…

If you are one of those households whose electric bill is skyrocketing then you should know these quick steps on how to save 25% on your electric bill in 5 minutes. As soon as you implement or execute what’s written below, you will be able to lower electric bills. Step 1 – Know what appliances, devices or motors contribute a lot to your electric bill. Knowledge is power and as soon as you gain knowledge of what contributes to your bill, you will know how to deal with it. has reported 40-60% of your bill is from Heating/Cooling Costs (aka your Central A/C or Heat Pump) 4 ways to save electricity Step 2 – Get the Electric Saver 1200 installed on your heatpump, central a/c, or your main electric panel. Although traditional ways of saving electricity are still effective, it cannot be denied that indulging in the technology and latest gadgets available will help in lessening your electric bill.

Step 3 – Learn the features and benefits of this electrical saving devices to be aware of how it can help you and when it will take effect. Step 4 – Watch your power bill and compare last year's usage to this years usage after the unit has been installed for at least 1 billing period. Step 5 – Count your energy savings and put it in an account for you to spend on yourself or your family at the end of the year. You may be surprised how quickly the savings adds up. light bulb cost per kwh Take these important steps to saving up to 25% of your electric bill right away. Start Saving Money & Energy now, Click Here Start Saving Now Want even more energy saving ideas, visit: Thanks for visiting our Blog & Reading. We loved having you here! For even more tips to save on electricity bills, visit our guide here! Or To better understand electricity bills, we give a full breakdown here.  We have a ton of tips showing how to easily shave 20% (or MORE) off your power bills listed on this page.  Be sure to share our posts with all those you care about. Happy Energy Saving!. Post 1st seen here Save Save Save Save Save Save Save

The post 5 Easy Steps to Making Your Home or Business Greener… was originally seen here Electric-Saver-1200-BLOG

Monday, June 17, 2019

Rising Electricity Rates Suck! Here’s some Backup…

Do you ever wonder why your power bill keeps getting higher, yet your house appliances are the same year in, year out? Outrageous power bills are a pain in the *!&, aren't they? Finding out the cause is the first step to ensuring you manage the electric bills and save more. So, here's some backup so you aren't left stuck in the mud. Want even more electricity saving ideas, visit this page. understanding high electricity bills   Installing an electricity saving box on your home helps save on energy. It also helps prevent power surges, as well as protect your home from electricity related accidents. In addition, your home appliances get to function much better and have a longer life serving you. The conventional way in which power travels from the transformer to the motors in your home has some power loss which you are charged for by your power company whether you are a residential or commercial property. It's called ENERGY INEFFICIENCY plain and simple. We are not talking about Power Factor penalties. Residential Customers are NOT billed power factor penalties. Commercial Customers are! What we are talking about is actual loss in your electrical wiring in your home or business. Your are billed for it, but you can't use it! A Homeowner benefits by reduced loss in his home, the Commercial Property Owner benefits by not only reducing the loss in his business/factory/building, but also reduces the Power Factor Penalty. So, a homeowner benefits, but business owners REALLY benefit in more ways than one. The Electric Saver works by recycling otherwise lost energy. By reducing the heat on your motor wires this reduces your electricity bill. In addition, major electric appliances such as the refrigerator, washing machine and air conditioner have inductive motors that promote energy wastage. This is reduced by use of the Electric Saver as it recovers and recycles wasted energy leading to a decrease in electricity bills. This product is very effective as it is available for both single home motors as well as complex business unit size models for commercial locations. The product can be installed to your business or home indoors our out as the box casing is rainproof. The product has a life expectancy of 25 years. What a great way to save energy and protect your home appliances from power surges and spikes.

This product is easy to install and is maintenance free. This product can be used in businesses, factories, offices, schools and homes in reducing electricity. You can purchase this product anytime online and you will get it delivered with full instructions of use. There is also a 1 YEAR money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose, except high power bills! Buy Electric Saver 1200 Now!For even more tips to save on electricity bills, visit our guide here! Or To better understand electricity bills, we give a full breakdown here.  We have a ton of tips showing how to easily shave 20% (or MORE) off your power bills listed on this page.  Thank you for visiting our blog, we loved having you here. We hope you enjoyed our post.  Be sure to share it with all your family/friends before your go.  Happy Energy Saving!. 1st seen here

This Post Rising Electricity Rates Suck! Here’s some Backup… originally published on ES1200-BLOG

Friday, June 14, 2019

Success vs Failure in Business…

Attention business owners and property managers! If you are in charge of maintaining operations at your facility, you already know energy usage is a MAJOR expense. In fact, many businesses spend about 30% of their operational costs on energy expenses.  And sometimes, that 30% is the difference between running a successful business operation and well losing one. But, something can be done about that. By recouping energy losses into savings, companies can focus on their core business while the savings made in home residences could be used to improve homeowners lives world over. Whatever you decide to do with the extra money, you will agree with me, it is better to pay for cheap electricity rather than expensive wasted electricity you cannot benefit from! Motors are inefficient because when they run, they do not consume all the energy they demand from the power company. Because those motors are on your side of the power meter, your power company doesn’t do anything to help you. (They do use this technology on their system proving it does work!) The wasted energy does find its way to your electricity bill even though you have not used it. The motors that drive up this wasted energy include: the Central Air Conditioner, Pool pump, Heat pump, Ceiling fans, Refrigerators, Escalators, Elevators, among others. If you use any motor driven equipment or any of the things mentioned above, we can help your facility become more energy efficient and save you $$$. Electric Saver 1200 provides a USA manufactured product that has been designed specifically to provide a solution to this problem. The innovation makes your motors more energy efficient by recycling the lost energy and releasing it back to the motors whenever it is needed. In the process, the amount of heat required by the motors and connecting wires is significantly reduced. What this essentially does is reduce the kilowatts used up. By making your motors efficient and reducing the demand from your power company, you are billed less kilowatts and save money. And yes it has been tested and proven by multiple 3rd parties.  In fact, your power company uses this same technology to make their power grid more efficient so they can improve profitability ;-) Electric Saver 1200 also prevents power surges. Hence, saving you more money by protecting your equipment, expensive electronics & appliances. This energy saver not only reduces your power bills but also makes your motors and appliances last longer.   To provide sufficient and tailored support, there are different sizes of units available. The most common residential unit for homes in the USA is the ES1200 model. For Commercial and Industrial Applications, the size you need depends on the motor or service size of the electrical panel the commercial unit needs to be installed at, we have several different sized models available ES3100, ES3200, and ES3400.     Become more energy efficient and be your company's hero this year. By slashing your energy costs on motor driven equipment, you can make a big difference. Get more information by clicking this link: If you need help determining what equipment your facility needs, please don't hesitate to contact us. We can easily refer you to someone who can help and even come install all the equipment for you so have a completely hands off experience. It is totally up to you how involved you want to be. what uses the most energy- energy saving tips For even more tips to save on electricity bills, visit our guide here! Or To better understand electricity bills, we give a full breakdown here.  We have a ton of tips showing how to easily shave 20% (or MORE) off your power bills listed on this page.  Thank you for visiting our blog, we loved having you here. We hope you enjoyed our post.  Be sure to sign up for your free gift before you go.  We can’t wait to see you again soon.  Happy Energy Saving!. source Save Save Save

The following article Success vs Failure in Business… first published here ES1200's Electricity Saving Blog

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Who Are You Giving Your Loyalty To???

We all want to do our part to support AMERICA. But with limited resources, sometimes the price is THE decision maker in a household. But why should you go out of your way to buy American? Because in the long run, it really does matter. Over time, America has seen more and more jobs go overseas. By buying American made products and supporting local businesses, YOU can change that.  When you give your loyalty to your country and support those American businesses, you see to it that more American families have jobs and live better. Today, we decided to write about our American Made product and why it's the best. Not because we think so, but because China has made a reputation for themselves without anyone else's help in ALL industries. And although competing with China has been a very TOUGH game, especially when families in America are given no other choices. Now we are giving EVERYONE a choice. Now American Companies are getting the support and recognition they need to thrive. We proudly manufacture the Electric Saver 1200 in the good 'ol USA. It's an electricity saving box that makes your home more energy efficient by focusing on motor driven equipment. And while our prices are very competitive, our quality can't be beat. When it's something electrical attached to the place your loved ones inhabit, or your coworkers spend the majority of their awake time, quality & safety matters. You can visit if you want to find out more about this product. KVAR Electric Saver Box Why is the ELECTRIC SAVER 1200 considered to be the best among anything else in the market? First, the Electric Saver 1200 is safe. When it comes to all things electrical, be sure the product you are installing has been safety tested. Second, it is budget friendly. We understand what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck, IT SUCKS. Our mission is to offer an affordable electric saver box to every household in the world. Thus, improving the way of life of every individual. Results are guaranteed or your money back. Third, the item has product liability insurance. We carry a $2M dollar policy on our product to ensure your loved ones are protected, no matter what. Because not only is quality a BIG DEAL to us, so is safety. We know that everyone is human, so taking an extra step just as a precaution is best. Think Green What if the product stops working? There is no need to worry because your purchase of the product includes a 20 year warranty. This means, you are covered for 20 years against workmanship or product defects. Why is the Electric Saver 1200 so affordable compared to the thousands in savings I can receive? We manufacture our products. There are no middle man. As a result, we can keep the prices low. (Unlike other electrical power savers being promoted by middleman and they jack up the price. Yes, there are some that sell these boxes for alot more. And there are some-like China- that sell these boxes alot less with cheap components.) Are we as cheap as China?... no. But we ensure we use the best quality products to maintain quality & safety. But when you compare our prices vs. theirs AND CONSIDER the quality of product? Ours is a home run! Buying American means long term satisfaction. When we build American made products, we want the words to pop into your mind: Tough, Safe, Quality, Dependability & Value= Built to Last!

Am I Buying American? made-in-the-usa-with-pride Yes! We manufacture our products in Okeechobee, FL USA (just 2 hours south of Disney World :) We believe that quality workmanship is of utmost important in any product. We are doing our part to bring more jobs back to America. We love our country and we love providing jobs to hardworking Americans. When you buy from us, you are buying quality American Manufactured Products. made in usa electricity saving box To learn more about our products, visit: We hope you enjoyed our post! Be sure to share it with all those who you care about.  We all need to live better.  For even more energy saving ideas, visit our site above. We love sharing more and more energy saving ideas with you. Thanks for visiting, we loved having you here. All the Best in Energy Saving!   1st seen here

This Blog Source Who Are You Giving Your Loyalty To??? posted on ES1200's Electricity Saving Blog

Monday, June 10, 2019

Don’t Be Like Tom, He Did NOT Live Happily Ever After.

Once upon a time, there was a guy name Tom.  He searched and scoured the internet for all the important facts.  He bookmarked every useful article that he found, and at every BBQ he was the most knowledgeable person.  He bragged to all his friends about all the wealth of knowledge he had on energy efficiency... but Tom had a secret.  His power bill was the highest on the block!  Although he knew HOW to lower his bill, he never took action.   At the next BBQ, on his way to the bathroom, Jessie saw Tom's power bill. Jessie was shocked, but did anyone else know?  Jessie told EVERYONE about what he saw and they all sneered at Tom.  Some friends!  After that, Tom stopped having BBQ's and did not live happily ever after.  Why?  Because he didn't take action and implement that knowledge.  Don't be like Tom! Discover the best ways to save electricity at home and then take ACTION. For more Free Tips to Lowering Power Bills, check this post out.

  • If you use Electric Saver, your appliances can become more energy efficient. It also helps increase the life expectancy of the home appliances. You will be protected from power surges and wasted energy. If you do experience brownouts, Electric Saver can help.
heating energy loss


  • Always unplug appliances when they are not in use. Even if they are turned off, they are still consuming electricity.
  • Put away your chargers until you use them. Although you might need them to charge your personal gadgets, don't plug them in until you actually need them.
  • Switch off home theater equipment, TV, or stereos. If they stay on standby mode, their accumulated consumption might amount to a 75-watt bulb that is turned on continuously.
  • Set your power settings in your computer when they are still not in use. An hour of inactivity should automatically turn the computer off. You can do the configuration through the energy management system of the computer.
  • Enable hibernate mode feature if computer inactivity reaches 15 minutes or more. It saves you energy and time compared to shutting the computer down completely. It would keep the opened tabs intact even when the system is hibernating.
  • Take advantage of the sunlight. Instead of letting your heater work endlessly, open the windows and let the light and warm air in. At night, close the windows and their shades or blinds to retain the heat within the house.
  • During the summer, give your A/C system a break by making sure the windows, shades or blinds are closed. This would seal off the cool air from going out and the warm air from coming in.
  • Let your water heater run at 120 to 130 degrees. This would stop you from using more electricity to heat the water for your dishwasher or to heat more water once you run out of hot water.
  • Always turn off the lights in empty, unused rooms.
  • Make full use of the daylight.
  • Set the freezer in 0 to 5 degrees Fahrenheit and the refrigerator temperature in 38 to 42 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure the door is closed tightly.
  • Dry your laundry in the clothesline instead of fully depending on the dryer.
  • Avoid preheating the oven or constantly peeking in to check the food.
  • Use cold water for washing and rinsing the clothes.
If you practice these things at home, you will see a reduction in your energy consumption. Want to Start Saving Money and Electricity the Easy Way? Click The Buy Now Button below: Best Buy Energy Saver saving-energy-easy Source We hope you enjoyed our post! For more excellent energy saving ideas, visit our site Electric Saver 1200 and  follow our blog to lower bills 🙂 All the Best to you & Yours!

The blog post Don’t Be Like Tom, He Did NOT Live Happily Ever After. posted on Electric-Saver-BLOG

Friday, June 7, 2019

5 Easy Tips to Going Green & Being Energy Conscious…

Green energy is becoming increasingly popular as people realize the negative effects of oil dependence. You can incorporate green energy into your life, save money and benefit your environment. This article contains several tips to help you along the way. Keep reading to learn how to get the most out of your green energy plans. The first step you need to take is to check the rules and regulations where you live. Make certain that you comply with all federal, state and local laws when you install your green energy systems. You may also check with your power company for information. Any excess power generated on your property can be sold to your utility provider. Find out how your provider deals with this service. Done properly, your leftover power may become a steady source of income. Armed with that information, you can install one or more solar panels on the roof of your home. Even on cloudy days, solar panels provide a steady stream of energy into your home.     Depending on your property, wind or water generators may prove equally beneficial. Ideally, a combination of the three sources would ensure power no matter what.       All three of those sources take a significant financial investment. If you do not have those funds, or perhaps do not own your own property, there are still several innovative ways to use green energy.     1- Start by switching to low-wattage environmentally friendly light bulbs. Switch your appliances to those with a good energy rating. These simple changes will reduce your energy consumption and lower your carbon footprint.   2- Light your garden and sidewalks with solar powered garden lamps. There are several styles and sizes available to complement any yard. The lamps charge individually, so you do not need an electrician to help with installation. Consider purchasing a solar powered water fountain to increase the tranquility of your yard. 3- If you use small electronic devices, think about purchasing solar chargers for them. Not only will you reduce your dependence on an electric power supply, you gain the ability to charge your cell phone, even when away from home. There are also solar powered fans available for use in your home and vehicle. These can be great on warm summer days, while camping or even just stuck in traffic. Look for a portable device so you can take it with you everywhere you go. 4- You may also consider using solar powered cooking devices. There are several on the market that can be used at home or while camping. By using the power of the sun to cook your meals, you will save energy and enhance your culinary skills.   5- Another product to save energy on homes or business is the Electric Saver 1200. Just install this device on your electric panel or large motor and improve the efficiency of your appliances on your property. By capturing wasted watts and recycling them back into your property's electrical system, this innovative technology is sure to save you money!. Incorporating green energy into your life can happen on multiple levels. Whether you own your own home or not, you can use much of this information to reduce your dependence on non-renewable energy sources. Make positive choices for yourself, your family and the environment by learning how to make environmentally sound purchases. Enjoy the benefits of having green energy sources in your life! Save Energy Now

energy efficiency and why its important

Want More Home Energy Saving Tips?

For even more tips to save on electricity bills, visit our guide here! Or To better understand electricity bills, we give a full breakdown here. We have a ton of tips showing how to easily shave 20% (or MORE) off your power bills listed on this page. Thank you for visiting our blog, we loved having you here. We hope you enjoyed our post. Be sure to share with all your family/friends.  We can’t wait to see you again soon. Happy Energy Saving!. Source

The blog post 5 Easy Tips to Going Green & Being Energy Conscious… originated from Electric-Saver-1200-BLOG