The Average Electricity Bill is around $200-300 for the average 1500 SF home in the USA. But really the cost of power bills vary greatly depending on the rate at which you are bills per kwh. If you are having trouble paying for your electricity bill, read below & start finding energy efficient solutions. If you use less electricity, you will lower your energy costs, improve your quality of life, but also save the earth’s resources. Don’t wait for something extreme to happen, start making energy efficient decisions right now throughout your home. If you are needing help understanding your electricity bills, read: Below are 19 quick tips regarding saving electricity at home:
- Turn off lights when you leave a room.
- Wash your clothes in cold water unless they're really stained or you are washing just whites.
- Turn off the "heated dry" feature on your dish washer.
- Adjust your water heater temperature to 120 degrees or lower.
- Use low-flow shower heads and sink faucets.
- Clean your clothes dryer vents to improve efficiency, and reduce fire danger.
- A programmable home heating/cooling thermostat can help lower energy.
- Try not to leave the door of your refrigerator open longer than necessary.
- Always use energy saving light bulbs. These energy saving lights or light bulbs use about one-fourth the energy of incandescent lights of the same light output rating.
- Look for the "energy saving" logo or notes whenever you buy your new appliances, and buy the highest-rated units.
- High efficiency water heaters can save money, as can extra insulation. This insulating material surrounds the heater, keeping heat in the heater. This keeps your water hotter for longer, so you do not waste energy re-heating water. Use insulation on the hot-water piping in your home, if you can get at the pipes (like in the basement or garage).
- Try using all the warm water you plan on using immediately. Try to get all family members to shower one after the other, while the pipes are still warm.
- Insulation can provide low-cost energy and dollar savings that accumulate year after year, with no further investment required.
- Use energy efficient insulated windows.
- Home insulation should be evaluated by a qualified contractor, especially in older homes. Proper insulation in the attic is usually easy to install, and can save it's cost in the first winter or summer. Insulation within outside walls is important, but it's more expensive to install in existing buildings.
- A home energy audit can help you find ways to save money, even if it involves the purchase of alternative sources of energy.
- Consider Solar Panels to supplement your electricity needs. Some areas even allow you to sell unused electricity back into the grid. Solar power kits sell from a few hundred dollars, and can help on sunny days.
- Consider Geothermal heating and cooling. Throughout most of North America, the temperatures just 15 feet below the surface remain close to 55 degrees in both summer and winter. Pipes filled with water are placed in trenches and water is pumped through them to maintain a 55 degree temperature in your heat exchanger box. In the summer, air at 55 degrees is heated, and in the winter, air at 55 degrees is fed into to the air conditioning unit.
- Making Your Home Energy Efficient should also include a visit to, where you can learn how to make your home as energy efficient as possible using the Electric Saver 1200 device.
The post 19 Easy Energy Efficiency Tips for Your Home… I love #16 was originally seen here Electric-Saver-BLOG